CHECKLIST: June 26, 2024

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  1. Absolute Power – Ground Zero #01 (One Shot)AVAILABLE
  2. Action Comics #1066AVAILABLE
  3. Batman – The Brave And The Bold #14AVAILABLE
  4. Detective Comics #1086AVAILABLE
  5. Flash #10AVAILABLE
  6. Green Arrow #13AVAILABLE
  7. Harley Quinn #41AVAILABLE
  8. Penguin #11AVAILABLE
  9. Power Girl #10AVAILABLE
  10. Superman #15AVAILABLE
  11. Zatanna – Bring Down The House #01 (of 5)AVAILABLE


  1. Black Widow And Hawkeye #04AVAILABLE
  2. Blood Hunt #04AVAILABLE
  3. Blood Hunt – Red Band #04AVAILABLE
  4. Daredevil #10AVAILABLE
  5. Giant-Size Little Marvels #01AVAILABLE
  6. Hellverine #02AVAILABLE
  7. Jackpot And Black Cat #04AVAILABLE
  8. Midnight Sons – Blood Hunt #02AVAILABLE
  9. Spectacular Spider-Men #04AVAILABLE
  10. Spider-Gwen – The Ghost-Spider #02AVAILABLE
  11. Star Wars – Darth Maul – Black White And Red #03AVAILABLE
  12. Superior Spider-Man #08AVAILABLE
  13. Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #04 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  14. Thanos Annual #01AVAILABLE
  15. Ultimate Black Panther #05AVAILABLE
  16. Union Jack – The Ripper – Blood Hunt #02AVAILABLE
  17. Vengeance of The Moon Knight #06AVAILABLE
  18. X-Men ’97 #04AVAILABLE
  19. X-Men – Blood Hunt – Magik #01AVAILABLE
  20. X-Men – Heir of Apocalypse #02AVAILABLE


  1. 2000AD #2388AVAILABLE

Ahoy Comics:

  1. Project Cryptid #10AVAILABLE

AWA Studios:

  1. U & I #05 (of 6)AVAILABLE

BOOM! Studios:

  1. Animal Pound #04 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  2. Dune – House Corrino #04 (of 8)AVAILABLE
  3. Grim #18AVAILABLE
  4. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #121AVAILABLE
  5. Rare Flavours #06 (of 6)AVAILABLE
  6. Something Is Killing The Children #38AVAILABLE

Dark Horse:

  1. Anansi Boys I #01 (of 8)AVAILABLE
  2. Blue Book 1947 #05 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  3. Ghostbusters – Back In Town #04 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  4. Lester of Lesser Gods #02 (of 3)AVAILABLE
  5. Operation Sunshine – Already Dead #03 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  6. Star Wars – The High Republic Adventures – Saber For Hire #03 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  7. William of Newbury #02 (of 4)AVAILABLE

Dynamite Entertainment:

  1. Army of Darkness – Forever #09AVAILABLE
  2. Negaduck #06AVAILABLE
  3. Sweetie Candy Vigilante v2 #03AVAILABLE

Humanoids Publishing:

  2. Total Suplex of the HeartAVAILABLE

IDW Publishing:

  1. Godzilla – Here There Be Dragons II – Sons of Giants #01AVAILABLE
  2. Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #03AVAILABLE
  3. Sonic The Hedgehog – Spring Broken #01 – NOT RIPPED YET
  4. Star Trek – Defiant #16AVAILABLE
  5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #14AVAILABLE


  1. Blood Squad Seven #02AVAILABLE
  2. Cabinet #05 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  3. Department of Truth #23AVAILABLE
  4. Drawing Blood #03 (of 12)AVAILABLE
  5. Grommets #02 (of 7)AVAILABLE
  6. King Spawn #35AVAILABLE
  7. Monstress #52AVAILABLE
  8. Nights #08AVAILABLE
  9. No/One #09 (of 10)AVAILABLE
  10. Rook Exodus #03AVAILABLE
  11. Sacrificers #09AVAILABLE
  12. Universal Monsters – Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives #03 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  13. Void Rivals #10AVAILABLE
  14. w0rldtr33 #11AVAILABLE

Mad Cave Studios:

  1. Gatchaman #01AVAILABLE
  2. Gatchaman – Ken Deathmatch #01 (One Shot)AVAILABLE
  3. Nottingham #13 (of 15)AVAILABLE
  4. Sanction #02 (of 5)AVAILABLE

Valiant Entertainment:

  1. Bloodshot Unleashed – Reloaded #04 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  2. Ninjak Vs. Roku #01 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  3. Rai – The Book of The Darque #02 (of 2)AVAILABLE

Zenescope Entertainment:

  1. Grimm Fairy Tales #85AVAILABLE
  2. Pooh Vs. Bambi #03 (of 3) – NOT RIPPED YET


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10.00% | $30 / $300

Subscribers – $30 | Donors – .

A big thank you to all contributors.



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