CHECKLIST: August 21, 2024

The Private Server has reached its maximum capacity, with all Subscriber slots filled. The Private Server will reopen once one or more Subscribers have vacated. 😇


  1. Batman/Superman – World’s Finest #30AVAILABLE
  2. Dark Knights of Steel – Allwinter #02 (of 6)AVAILABLE
  3. Gotham City Sirens #03 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  4. Green Lantern – War Journal #12AVAILABLE
  5. Jenny Sparks #01 (of 6)AVAILABLE
  6. Nightwing #117AVAILABLE
  7. Superman #17AVAILABLE
  8. Titans #14AVAILABLE
  9. Wonder Woman #12AVAILABLE


  1. Daredevil – Woman Without Fear #02 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  2. Deadpool #05AVAILABLE
  3. Get Fury #04 (of 6)AVAILABLE
  4. Ghost Rider – Final Vengeance #06AVAILABLE
  5. Giant-Size Thor #01AVAILABLE
  6. Miles Morales – Spider-Man Annual #01AVAILABLE
  7. Namor #02 (of 8)AVAILABLE
  8. Phoenix #02AVAILABLE
  9. Predator Vs. Black Panther #01 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  10. Scarlet Witch #03AVAILABLE
  11. Spider-Woman #10AVAILABLE
  12. Star Wars #49AVAILABLE
  13. Ultimate Spider-Man #08AVAILABLE
  14. Venom War – Carnage #01 (of 3)AVAILABLE
  15. Venom War – Venomous #01 (of 3)AVAILABLE
  16. Wolverine – Revenge #01 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  17. Wolverine – Revenge Red Band #01 (of 5)AVAILABLE


  1. 2000AD #2396AVAILABLE

Ahoy Comics:

  1. My Bad – Escape From Peculiar Island #04 (of 5) – NOT RIPPED YET

AWA Studios:

  1. Red Light #04 (of 4)AVAILABLE

BOOM! Studios:

  1. Blow Away #05 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  2. Briar #08 (of 8)AVAILABLE
  3. Crocodile Black #04 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  4. Lawful #03 (of 8) – NOT RIPPED YET
  5. Power Rangers – Infinity #01 (One Shot)AVAILABLE

Dark Horse:

  1. Joy Operations 2 #03 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  2. Night Club 2 #01 (of 6)AVAILABLE
  3. Paranoid Gardens #02 (of 6)AVAILABLE
  4. Patra #01 (of 4)AVAILABLE
  5. Star Wars – The High Republic Adventures – Phase III #09AVAILABLE
  6. Usagi Yojimbo – The Crow #05AVAILABLE

Dynamite Entertainment:

  1. Justice Ducks #05 – NOT RIPPED YET
  2. Powerpuff Girls #02 – NOT RIPPED YET
  3. ThunderCats #07 – NOT RIPPED YET


  1. Complete Carl Barks Disney Library v3 – Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Mystery of The SwampAVAILABLE

IDW Publishing:

  1. My Little Pony – Set Your Sail #05AVAILABLE
  2. Star Trek #23AVAILABLE


  1. Black Cloak #07AVAILABLE
  2. Blood Squad Seven #04AVAILABLE
  3. Destro #03 (of 5) – NOT RIPPED YET
  4. G.I. Joe – A Real American Hero #309AVAILABLE
  5. Local Man #13AVAILABLE
  6. Plastic – Death And Dolls #03 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  7. Rat City #05AVAILABLE
  8. Redcoat #05AVAILABLE
  9. Self Help #03 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  10. Standstill #01 (of 8)AVAILABLE
  11. Walking Dead Deluxe #95AVAILABLE
  12. Witchblade #02 (2024)AVAILABLE

Oni Press:

  1. Epitaphs From The Abyss #02 (of 5)(EC Comics)AVAILABLE
  2. Rick And Morty – Youth In Rickvolt #01 (of 4) – NOT RIPPED YET

Titan Comics:

  1. Conan The Barbarian #14AVAILABLE
  2. Huge Detective #01 (of 5)AVAILABLE
  3. Rivers of London – Stray Cat Blues #04 (of 4) – NOT RIPPED YET

Valiant Entertainment:

  1. Archer And Armstrong – Assassination Nation #01 (of 2)AVAILABLE

Vault Comics:

  1. Something Crawled Out #01 – NOT RIPPED YET

Zenescope Entertainment:

  1. Man Goat And The Bunnyman – Beware The Pigman #01 (of 3) – NOT RIPPED YET


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90.00% | $270 / $300

Subscribers – $250 | Donors – A********S ($20.73).

A big thank you to all contributors.